Simplifying transformation with RISE with SAP

Simplifying transformation with RISE with SAP

Energy & Maritime Company

InfraBeat played an instrumental role in the business transformation for the client by helping them adopt SAP S/4HANA (RISE with SAP) and seamlessly integrating their all business functions.

A strategically diverse family-owned business building a legacy for the future with interests in Shipping, Onshore and Offshore Drilling, Ports & Gas.

15 Mn

Million LTI free man hours


5 Offshore Rigs, 1 Onshore Rig, 4 Gas Tankers


Developing world's first CNG Termina

InfraBeat Solution

  • SAP S/4HANA 2021 (Rise with SAP) 
  • InfraBeat conducted discovery and assessment workshops.
  • Workshops helped the client understand issues, limitations, and bottlenecks in their current system. 
  • InfraBeat proposed SAP S/4HANA RISE with SAP which is a modern and scalable infrastructure platform.


  • Using a “one size fits all” approach in IT is not a good idea.
  • Client was using home-grown IT applications for their day-to-day business processes.
  • These applications were working in silos and not integrated with each other. 
  • As a result, there were discrepancies in data and incorrect reporting to management.

Key Achievements

  • Financial Accounting and Controlling Group Reporting for consolidated MIS across different geographical Company Code merging Real Time Integration with XE for daily Exchange rate Payment Approval Process based on the FIORI App
  • Plant Maintenance Integration with AMOS Software mainly used for the Plant Maintenance Auto email alerts when equipment is due for service or have a near to expiry warranty
  • Materials Management Auto PR and PO creation based on the AMOS integration including the release strategy Custom FIORI App development for the real-time Inventory report for RIGS
  • Sales and Distribution Workflow for the Sales Order Document Billing plan implementation based on the milestone completion Realtime Integration with GSP for E-way bill and E-invoicing
  • Human Capital Management Automation of the Employee onboarding process on the RIGS FIORI App developed for Employee accident reporting Implementation of Payroll calculation for India, UAE region
  • Materials ManagementAuto PR and PO creation based on the AMOS integration including the release strategy Custom FIORI App development for the real-time Inventory report for RIGS
  • ABAP Custom Dashboard Reports developed for RIGS profitability Implementation of RPA for RFQ and Parking the invoice

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